When you pay for hosting services, you are simply renting storage space on the internet. Choosing a reliable hosting company can be challenging to say the least. We provide our Hosting & Maintenance service exclusively with Altus Hosting on servers located in Switzerland.
Most websites today are created with software that needs to be kept up to date for security and performance reasons. This means regularly (usually once a month) updating the core CMS as well as any plug-ins.
Our upkeep tasks include:
- Updating the website whenever Google and other search engines introduce new standards
- Updating the server whenever security patches are available
- Updating plug-ins whenever new versions are released
- Paying royalties for updates of premium plugins
- Installing & maintaining an SSL Certificate
- On-site SEO optimization
- Monitoring broken links
- 365-day uptime monitoring
- Performing weekly backups of your websites in case the worst happens: a virus or a hacker
- Free re-installation of your website through the latest back-up
- Three business emails forwarded to your personal email address (no emails are kept on the server)